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Rare 2004 Wisconsin State Quarter Error Worth $7.1 Million

Some errors during coin collection may make the currency highly valued, like the rare 2004 Wisconsin State Quarter that sold at $7.1 million simply because of such a mistake.

It is this particular coin besides its fame to many for that rare mistake alone; it gains much attention also from the general coin collectors to historians.
It was on Wednesday that the Debut of Wisconsin State Quarter arrived in 2004.

In 2004, the U.S. Mint released a Wisconsin state coin under the 50 State Quarters Program. The reverse of this coin portrayed a cow, a piece of cheese, and an ear of corn, to represent the agricultural heritage of the state of Wisconsin.

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However, this coin was a little bizarrely wrong – there was an extra leaf on the plant.

Famous Mistake Extra Leaf:

  • Collectors found two varieties of errors in this coin:
  • High Leaf Variety: The extra leaf is located at the top of the ear of corn.
  • Low Leaf Variety: This variety has an extra leaf at the bottom of the corn ear.
Famous Mistake Extra Leaf:
Famous Mistake Extra Leaf:

As yet, the cause of this mistake is not well known. However, some scholars believe that this error occurred as a result of damage to the die, and others believe that the error was made intentionally by Mint employees.

Why is this coin so valuable?

This is what makes the coin so highly attractive to the collectors: the rarity. Most minting error coins are of high demand; however, most minting error coins are rarely obvious.

When this is true, the very few coins containing the extra leaf variety have brought it to the list of one of the costliest coins of recent times. The $7.1 million valuation is based on its rarity, historical significance, and collector demand.

Value is another factor about this coin which depicts the significance of coin errors in the world of numismatics.

A number of mistakes happen at the minting place, but just a few are extraordinary, as with the extra leaf error Wisconsin State Quarter that appeared in the year 2004.

Such a rare and important error significantly raises the value of the coin and it has been considered an invaluable treasure in any coin collector’s collection.

Appreciation in Value Over Time

Since their discovery, these error coins have appreciated significantly in value:

YearEventApproximate Value
2004Initial discovery$500 – $1,500
2006High Leaf variety sold$2,530
2020Low Leaf variety auctioned$6,000
2025Record-breaking sale$7.1 million


It would be a rather valuable coin of the 2004 Wisconsin State Quarter Error type, with its extra leaf on the corn ear. Whether made by a bad die or some intentional mistake made by Mint employees, this coin has set a new record in the world of coin collecting. If you possess this coin, you are most likely holding an invaluable piece of history.


Why does the 2004 Wisconsin State Quarter error coin carry the price of around $7.1 million?

The quarter carries a rare “extra leaf” error within the design of the corn husk, with two variations: the “High Leaf” and “Low Leaf” error. Due to its extreme rarity and higher market demand among collectors, it is immensely valuable

Where was the quarter minted?

The 2004 Wisconsin State Quarter was minted in Denver (with a ‘D’ mint mark).

What signs should I look for to confirm my Wisconsin Quarter is authentic?

If you feel it necessary, you can have your coin graded and authenticated by either PCGS (Professional Coin Grading Service) or NGC (Numismatic Guaranty Corporation).

What are the ways of spotting the rare 2004 Wisconsin State Quarter error?

An extra leaf should be seen on the left side of the corn husk, either higher or lower than standard. This extra leaf was added by mistake in minting.

Disclaimer: यह आर्टिकल केवल सामान्य जानकारी के लिए लिखा गया है। किसी भी निर्णय से पहले आधिकारिक स्रोतों से जानकारी की पुष्टि करें।

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